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Houstonians Futbol Club

Houstonians Futbol Club

Costs to participate

All players are required to pay registration in full before the deadline - No exceptions. There are no payment plans available for the registration payment.

Option "A" - Without uniform kit included.
U7 & below: $ 
U8 - U11: $ 
U12 & above: $ 

Option "B" - Uniform kit included.
U7 & below: $ 
U8 - U11: $ 
U12 & above: $ 

Training Dues
All players are required to pay the season training dues unless granted a scholarship. In the event that the players account becomes past due, the player will not be authorized to participate in practice and or games until the account is brought current.

U7 & below: $  per year
U8 & above (U8 and all older players): $  per year

Option "A"
   - Pay in full lump-sum upon registration totaling $ for the full season.
Option "B"
   - Two installments totaling $ ($ 2 installment fee)
      - 1st installment due September 1st of $.
      - 2nd installment due March 1st of $.

Option "C"
   - Six installments totaling $ ($ 4 installment fee)

Option "D"
   -  Monthly installments totaling $  ($  installment fee)
      - 11 monthly installments of $ per month (September 1st - July 1st)
      - Each installment would be due on the first business day of each month.

Houstonians FC has the BEST VALUE!
   - BEST VALUE for professional training in all of the affiliated clubs of United Soccer Clubs (USC). 
   - We believe that the value of professional trainings is worth the same amount regardless of the age group being trained.   
   - This amount is LESS than per practice and game. Based on 2 practices and 1 game per week.   
   - There is simply NO other professional training club that competes with us on value.

Compare the other USC Club fees below...

Option "A" without uniform kit

Option "B" uniforms included

  • The above fees are based upon the fees as advertised on the corresponding clubs official website, stated on affiliate websites or other web based information platforms. Some of the above fees may be combined with other fees that are defined differently and or separated between clubs. The above fees are subject to change at anytime without notice. 
  • Some of the statements regarding the above fees, contained in this document, are based on outside sources in combination with management estimates. Where full-year information regarding all fees is not yet available, those statements may also be based on estimates and projections prepared by outside sources or management. 

Multi Family Discount
Option "A"
- Each additional paying player: $0 discount (Total will be reduced for this player from $0 to $0 per year)
   -Only players of one family unit and who are not receiving any scholarship assistance are considered eligible in consideration for this discount.

Option "B"
- None offered


All players are required to wear only HFC approved uniform and training kits. Additional HFC uniform items and fan gear are available from our website or person in charge of uniforms.

Injury Insurance
Players may choose to purchase Optional HFC Training Dues Injury Insurance for . This can only be purchased when the player makes their first Club Dues Payment. If the Injury Insurance is purchased, then a player is released from Club Dues payments during the months that they are medically unable to participate. If a player misses a month, due to an HFC related injury, then they will be released from that month's payment provided that they are current with their Club Dues at the time of the injury. As soon as the player returns to play, the payment for that month is expected. The Club Directors must be notified of the injury within 10 days of the diagnosis. A Doctor's note may be required. Injury Insurance is only valid for injuries that require a player to miss a month or more. To submit a claim now click here.

HFC Tournament(s) & Camp(s)
We need to decide on the following:
   - What is the name of our Tournament?
   - State/national/international invitation?
   - When will we have the tournament?
   - Where will we have the tournament? 
   - Cost for HFC teams? 
   - Cost for other teams?

   - What is the name of our camp?
   - When will we have the camp?
   - Where will we have the camp? 
   - Cost for HFC players? 
   - Cost for other players?

Additional Information

Credit/Debit Cards Only
The Houstonians Futbol Club requires that all members have a credit card on file. When the initial registration is made for each new season, the first payment is made online with a credit card. Once the registration is successful, the card will be billed every 30 days in accordance with when that player registered. The billing will stop when all dues for that player are completed. If you do not have a credit card or debit card, then you can purchase a Pre-Paid Debit Card which will work as well.

Commitment to the Team
When a player is selected for a team, we often are also telling other players that they were not selected for that team. Therefore, we expect a year long commitment to the team. Once a player agrees to their team assignment and registers into the Member Center, they are also agreeing to complete the Club Dues Commitment for that season. Quitting the team will not remove the responsibility to pay Club Dues in full.

Delinquent Accounts
When you account falls past due and is severely delinquent after HFC has been most patient, but you have failed to respond to our previous notices, we then have no alternative but to require immediate payment. Failure to respond may lead to legal action. Please be advised that if your account falls 90 days past due, despite repeated requests for payment and we have not heard from you or received payment, accordingly, unless we hear from you or receive payment in full we will be forced to turn your account over to a collection agency.

Please protect your credit rating and avoid the unpleasantness of dealing with a collection agency by making your payment or contacting us today.